A large flow of projects and the need for structurizing the designing experience has pushed our company towards using the most innovative development method - BIM.

BIM or Building Information Modeling is a creation and information processing technology, connected to construction assets.

BIM is the future of the construction industry

The concept of BIM appeared in the mid-80s of the XX century. Since then, approaches to program technology in particular and design in general have changed. Now AVR Development specialists use the 2020 standard in their work with BIM, which was approved on the basis of international documents.

Given the experience of developed countries such as the UK, Denmark, Estonia, Singapore, where the use of BIM technologies for digitalization of processes has long been legalized, BIM is the future of the entire construction business.

BIM technology includes:

  • designing buildings and structures
  • information verification and approval
  • data exchange between all of the construction process participants
  • construction process automation

Our company has experience in usage of BIM-technologies at various stages of the construction process – starting with development of the technical specifications and to the introduction and reconstruction of a building.

How do we use BIM?

In our work we use the BIM templates – a digital database, based on a large number of projects with different purposes and scale. The company collects the experience received from numerous projects in one unique template. The best project solutions, a wide collection of designing materials and a well-developed database in the company all form a flexible BIM template.

Within the company we systematically use cloud services for BIM-information exchange. This improves the real-time communication between the contractors and the customer significantly.
The work of many departments is coordinated through systems and services that work with BIM technologies. By involving a large number of specialists, we constantly check and refine design solutions with industry colleagues. By exchanging knowledge in the BIM environment, we both strengthen the status of the executors of all project sections and motivate other colleagues to move from CAD design to BIM.

One of our company’s missions is providing accurate and thoughtful design of the buildings and their systems.

One of the company’s missions is to provide accurate and thoughtful design of buildings and their systems. BIM technologies are the pillar and foundation for designing and implementing any complex design solutions. By using BIM technologies, the company simplifies development of complex solutions for both designers and builders, as the presence of a virtual information model provides a comprehensive and accurate view of any complex assembly or system. That’s why BIM technologies are not only a convenient way to digitalize design solutions, but also a guarantee of consistency and substance in any part of the building, from architectural hubs to utility network structure and landscaping.